Summer has come to an end and most children have returned to school. Their lazy days of summer will be transformed into extremely busy school days, including academics, socialization and after school activities. Parents will constantly be on the go, transporting their children from one event to the next and ensuring that they are keeping up academically with their education. Parents want to ensure that their child is learning everything they need to and that they are setting them up for a successful academic future. An often undervalued piece of education during this time is that of language skills. Young children are at a point in their lives when language acquisition is easier than ever, yet many parents do not actually enroll their child in a secondary language class until they are much older.
During the early years of their life, children are already learning the different rules and patterns of the English language. It might sound like adding in a secondary language during this time would be overwhelming, but that is not the case. Children are able to pick up languages much easier during this period of time, regardless of how many languages are introduced. Actually, introducing a second language during this age will make it easier for them to pick it up. The earlier you introduce your child to a foreign language the better, it seems that before the age of 10 is ideal, or even before the age of 5, if possible. Even having preschool Spanish lessons can be helpful in hitting this early language acquisition period.
Other countries have more residents that are bilingual. Other countries also tend to introduce their children to other languages, more often and at a younger age. Many countries mandate the introduction of foreign language in schools by age eight, while students in the United States often wait until junior or senior high for their first exposure to a foreign language curriculum, thus only having 4 years of study versus 10 or 12 years when introduced earlier. It would not be uncommon to have preschool Spanish lessons or an elementary Spanish curriculum in other countries.
Spanish is one of the most common languages in the entire world. It is a great language to have mastered, in addition to the English language. Most children will find use in fluently speaking the language of Spanish as they get older. According to census reports, Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world. With 387 million native speakers, more people on Earth speak Spanish than English. The opportunities for Spanish speakers across the globe are endless! This means that having preschool Spanish lessons can provide endless opportunities for your child, both academically and socially.
Introducing a preschool Spanish curriculum or a Spanish curriculum for kids at the elementary level is beneficial because it regularly introduces the language to them. Simply teaching them some of the Spanish language every couple weeks or months is generally not enough. However, if they are exposed to the language on a daily basis, they are more likely to pick it up and learn it as fluently as they do the English language. An addition benefit to learning a second language so young is that people who are bilingual have an easier time learning a third or fourth language, as well. Preschool Spanish lessons can be a stepping stone to learning a variety of languages.
Parents who choose to homeschool their children can also take advantage of this language acquisition period. A childrens homeschool Spanish curriculum can be introduced into the homeschool lesson plans. The parent or teacher of the homeschooled child does not even necessarily have to know the Spanish language to have the ability to teach it to the children.
Parents want what is best for their children. They send them to the best schools, constantly checking their academic progress. Parents who want to provide their children with the best should consider introducing a second language to their children during the language learning process. This will make grasping the language easier for them and will provide them with cultural skills for later in life.
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