Online college magazines have the purpose of keeping students and alumni informed of the happenings at any given college. But often they are much more valuable than their print counterparts and much more popular than other ways of keeping in touch. This is due to four specific reasons.
One: Online college magazines are so popular because they focus their efforts on reaching the demographic of both students and graduates who are always online anyway. These online college magazines are capitalizing on the Internet and its capacity for spreading the word in the fastest way possible. Sure, the typical online college magazine still has a print component to it, which is mailed out to alumni and to current students and their parents sometimes too, but the online version is what is increasingly becoming more important and popular today.
Two: Online college magazines are popular since they do more to spread this news to the masses. And because they have an infinite amount of room for articles and for profiles of individuals who have had success after graduating from these institutions or while they are still in them, the wealth of information gleaned from these online college magazines can make quite an impact. A printed version of a college magazine may have space for 40 or 60 pages of content, but an online version could go on and on seemingly without and end.
Three: Online college magazines are all the rage because alumni and current students alike can submit the news that they have on themselves online to let other alumni and students know about these achievements. Again, this too is done with the print version, but more and more younger students and professionals get their news exclusively online and usually avoid thumbing through the print copies they get in the mail. In response to this trend, there are more online college magazines than ever today.
Four: Online college magazines are trendy because they connect with social media, which has obviously become a phenomenon on its own. Alumni can read articles in these online magazines and then share them with their friends on social media pages, thereby further spreading the word about good news happening at their alma maters or interesting tidbits on the people attending these institutions. This connection between these magazines and other online ways to connect like through social media is truly serving as the wave of the future, and it in essence is already here.