National honor society cords or honor society cords are graduation cords are given to students who became members of any of the honors societies. As a token and in recognition of their achievement, the national honor society cords are given to them during the graduation ceremony. There are different colors for each of the National honor society cords, each one representing an honor society. For example the graduation honor cords for the Alpha Mu Alpha honor society the color is red. High school honor cords colors vary. Usually the choice of color depends on the school. Most often, colors represent the subjects the students excel, such as in mathematics. Over the years different higher educational institutions have also adapted their own colors for the cords although there are still standards that are generally followed.
The National Honor Society was established in 1921. At present there are more than one million students who are now members of the society. All of them were given their respective honor cords for graduation. The honor cords for graduation is basically a cord made from strands of quality materials. At the ends of the cords are tassels. Depending on the achievement or the institution, the honor cords can be single color or combinations of different colors that are intertwined to make one cord. It is worn around the neck. Honor cord is one of the things that are regularly worn by students during graduation. There are the cap and gown. The cap has a tassel which can also signify academic achievement by their colors. Then there is also the stoles which like the honor cord is worn around the neck. References: thehonorsprogram.com