Spanish curriculum for elementary school

It’s an unfortunate truth that many Americans only speak one language. This is not only crippling when said Americans travel abroad, but is becoming increasingly frustrating on our own native soil. America is rapidly becoming a more bilingual nation by necessity, yet this isn’t always reflected at school. The ironic thing about this issue is that it’s far easier for people to learn a second language as children than adults. The earlier a child can be introduced to a second language, the faster they learn. The introduction of a second language should be before age at the latest 10, but ideally before age five. This is why it’s becoming more and more popular to each preschool Spanish. Preschool Spanish isn’t just about learning on an academic level, but a practical one as well.

Why Teach Children In Preschool?

Again, children are more likely to pick up a second language when they’re younger. Although elementary school kids can also pick up a second language like Spanish, preschool Spanish lessons are even simpler for children to wrap their heads around. Like much of what we learn in preschool, this information is basic and important; for many children, it will become natural, like basic math and reading. In most countries, children are introduced to a second language in school by age eight. America is one of the few nations that waits until — typically — junior high or high school to introduce a second language. This means that American children only have four years of foreign language classes, compared to the 10 years kids get in other nations. This could be why, according to the Summer Institute of Linguistics, while two-thirds of the world’s children are bilingual, only 17% of American children are bilingual. It’s time to start taking the learning of a second language seriously, and teaching kids in preschool is one way of going about it.

Why Teach Preschool Spanish?

It’s true that there are many languages a child can be taught in preschool. However, none of those languages have the same accessibility and value to American children as Spanish does. Spanish for preschoolers has a use that will continue throughout life. With 21 countries recognizing Spanish as their official language, children will be able to use the language as adults when they travel for work or play. Spanish is the second most-spoken language in the world, with over 387 million Spanish speakers alive today. Bilingual employees also earn, on average, 20% more per hour than monolingual employees — and indeed, knowing Spanish in the United States is an asset to anyone seeking a job. Spanish is certainly the second language of America. Those who learn Spanish at a young age are becoming citizens not only of the United States but the world at large. It’s not only good for them on a practical level, but a cultural one as well. Spanish is also the key to learning other languages. It’s only a “romance” language and thus carries similarities to French and Italian; it’s also likely that a child who’s learned a second language can learn a third language faster.

How Can You Teach Spanish to Preschoolers?

It’s important before delving into teaching preschoolers Spanish to identify a Spanish curriculum that is right for your students. Of course, Spanish isn’t only for children in traditional schools; a homeschool Spanish curriculum is also available for those teaching their own children at home. In the first eight years of life, children often acquire language skills through repetition, song, and games. A good curriculum may also feature Spanish story books. The important thing about a good Spanish curriculum is identifying what makes the language accessible and fun for young children. As they grow older, the curriculum can become more advanced and serious — but young children need lessons they can easily understand.

Consider Spanish the first step in a lifetime of learning languages for children. Knowing a second language — especially one as important as Spanish — is like opening a door for kids.

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