When looking for information about colleges, magazines might be included in the search. Several schools provide information directly from the source. Many colleges and universities publish their own paper magazines, online college magazines, or both.
Online college magazines usually contain stories about students, alumni and faculty members. Some times there are scores, statistics and summaries from sporting events and other college competitions. Blurbs about recent promotions, marriages, babies and other life events of students and alumni are included. Naturally, there is also a lot of information about college courses. Study tips, study groups, available internships and details about upcoming college events are all included.
In addition to the information about the college and the classes, many online college magazines offer advice and information on a number of different topics, such as dating. Articles about how to meet and socialize with other students, fashion advice, and information about popular places to enjoy the local night life are also included. The online college magazines are becoming more popular, but the print copies are still available on most campuses. Many students find it convenient to have a paper copy to carry with them, but the online version is usually more up to date.