In order to guarantee their children the best education, some parents send them to private or independent schools in hampton roads. Since private schools in hampton roads are paid for through tuition, they are more likely to have better, more educated teachers, the most up to date text books, and better quality equipment. Independent schools in hampton roads also tend to have smaller class rooms, meaning there is a better teacher student ratio to ensure each student has the opportunity to seek out the help he or she may need to succeed.
Suffolk private schools also tend to see fewer problems with bullying, making kids feel more welcome and safe when going to and from school. Teachers at private schools in suffolk have also reported that the suspected drug and alcohol abuse rates were lower than those of public schools. Private schools also have more strict and demanding graduation requirements as well as lower tolerance for behavioral misconduct such as acting out toward teachers and truancy.
Students who attend independent schools in hampton roads are also more likely to receive a bachelors degree or higher at a respected university.