One debate that has been going on for years, and will continue is whether preschool is necessary for grade school readiness. Some parents believe that preschool in necessary to prepare kids for kindergarten, while others believe that it is all hype. Approximately 3/4 of all children in the U.S. participate in a preschool program, but does that mean it is a necessary program for all young children? Read the benefits below and decide for yourself whether the benefits are that great.
Social and Emotional Growth
Preschool promotes grade school readiness by promoting children’s social developments and emotional development. Children should feel secure in order for them to learn and many academic preschool activities are taught by caring teachers the child trusts. When young children trust their teachers, they begin to learn more academic preschool curriculum which promotes grade school readiness. Teachers build close personal connections with each child while instructing academic preschool programs, which promotes your child’s emotional growth. Consistency is practiced at many preschool programs allowing children to develop a sense of comfort allowing them to be comfortable enough to learn.
Some children who do not attend preschool programs may find themselves having separation anxiety on the first day of school. Those children who attend preschool and are taught grade school readiness do not experience this. This reduces the anxiety when left for grade school and promotes independence that helps children focus on learning. Children who attend preschool have already learned that when parents drop them off, they are not abandoning them and they will return later that day. This reduces the amounts of crying fits and temper tantrums children might experience when they start school.
Language Skills
Children who attend preschool programs build their language skills. This is extremely helpful when trying to prepare kids and make sure grade school readiness is successful. Children’s vocabulary grows significantly during the years of three to five. This helps when following instructions given from the teacher and with English and reading skills. Children who attend preschools are less likely to struggle with simple directions and reading skills.
Motor Skills
Preschool programs help children develop and perfect their fine and gross motor skills. Grade school readiness is benefited when fine motor skills are used correctly, and preschool does just that. Many children entering kindergarten from a preschool will have basic knowledge of cutting with scissors and holding crayons and pencils. This means the teacher will spend less time instructing children on the proper way to hold these tools and more time on educational instruction.
Preschool programs can successfully prepare your little one and provide grade school readiness curriculum. Although some programs may not seem that important studies show that out of all children considered to be “at-risk” 25% of those who did not attend preschool are more likely to drop out of high school. An incredible 60% of children who did not attend a quality preschool program are likely to skip out on college after high school. Preschool programs are like the building blocks of a fine education. Parents want the best for their children and choosing the right preschool program not only provides grade school readiness, but it also lays the foundation for a successful education for years to come. Take time to choose the best preschool for your little one, one that meets their needs and provides curriculum you are comfortable with.