From history courses to science course, you are never too old to learn something new. Though many people consider your prime days for learning in high school and in college, some people are not able to attend for a wide variety of reasons, but are still interested in going back at a later date, when life is more accommodating. And some people simply just love to learn, and never want to stop learning no matter how old they get or where their life takes them. In fact, very nearly seventy five percent (seventy three percent, to be exact) of all adults living here in the United States said, when asked, that they considered themselves to be lifelong learners.
Many of these people are what you would call personal learners. Personal learners, who make up as much as seventy four percent of all adult learners here in the United States, primarily seek out knowledge and education simply because they delight in learning and are interested in growing their new skills and hobbies. They are people who are looking to make their lives more interesting and more full. Because everyone is different, personal learning understandably takes a different course from person to person. While some might engage in history courses, others might be more interested in philosophy courses or math courses instead. And if you’re a personal learner that doesn’t want to pay for or fully commit to full fledged courses such as history courses, attending history lectures on their own is also often a viable option. But from history courses to science lectures, there is no shortage of opportunities for educational growth for the typical personal learner. Some personal learners might even be self taught, picking up new and exciting skills from online tutorials and videos.
But not all learners are personal learners (or personal learners only). Many people partake in education, from history courses to science courses, for the ability to advance in their careers or even start a brand new one. For instance, STEM jobs have become particularly in vogue and are even set to grow by more than ten percent (thirteen percent, to be exact, so very nearly fifteen percent) in the next few years. Right now, only around five percent of the entire United States workforce is involved in a STEM field, something that is not conducive to the scientific growth of this country. But because we are instilling a love of science in children at a younger and younger age (such as through science experiments for kids, for instance), the desire to work in STEM fields is growing. On top of this, STEM is an exciting field, filling with new innovations and discoveries, and one that compensates particularly well. In fact, those members of the workforce of the United States who work in a STEM field will often make far more money than someone who does not work in a STEM field. This is quite a bit of money, to say the least, and could provide a great deal of financial security to any given family, something that will be particularly valuable if they had currently been lacking just that. For more than ninety percent of all STEM workers, financial success and comfort and stability become the norm soon after their begin their STEM jobs.
But there are even more things to pursue if the STEM field just isn’t for you (though it is believed that many people would enjoy becoming part of the STEM world if they were just encouraged to do so, as is often the case for even the youngest of girls and their grown up counterparts). History courses might present your true passion, or perhaps you will become interested in English literature, or even art. Music is another area about which many people feel very passionate, and all of these things can easily be pursued as a personal learning endeavor, even if you never even want to pursue it full time. Learning is not just for the young, but for people of all ages, of all different backgrounds, and from all places. From history courses to literature lectures, there’s something out there for everyone.